Michael Moore says you shouldn't trust polls showing Biden ahead of Trump
By Mark PygasOct. 30 2020, Updated 8:32 a.m. ET
Election polls have had a tough time as of late. Most infamously picked the wrong side in the Brexit vote and during the 2016 presidential election. That's probably why filmmaker Michael Moore, who has been a staunch opponent of President Donald Trump, is telling people not to believe polls that are currently showing former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of the incumbent Trump.
FiveThirtyEight, which collects polls from all over the country and produces an average, shows Biden as the clear frontrunner in the presidential election, with an 89 in 100 chance. Many polls also suggest that the Democrats could take the Senate along with the White House, giving them all three seats of power.
Moore warned that the Trump vote is “always being undercounted” because his base is suspicious of the “deep state.”
“It’s awful news that Biden is ahead by seven points in Michigan and I have to fight against this constantly,” Moor told The Hill. Moore pointed out that in July, a poll had shown Biden leading Trump by 16 points, with that lead now cut in half.
“Trump has tightened virtually every one of these swing states to the point where this morning… Biden’s five points ahead in Wisconsin. He’s maybe three points ahead in Florida, two points ahead in Arizona,” Moore said.
“Listen, don’t believe these polls, first of all. And second of all, the Trump vote is always being undercounted. Pollsters when they actually call a real Trump voter, the Trump voter is very suspicious of the ‘deep state’ calling them and asking them who they are voting for."
"It's all fake news to them, remember. It's not an accurate count. I think the safe thing to do, this is not scientific... whatever they're saying the Biden lead is, cut it in half, right now, in your head. Cut it in half, and now you're within the four-point margin of error. That’s how desperately close this is."
“People keep asking me ‘what do you think is gonna happen,'” he added. “Because in 2016… four months, five months before the election, I said that Trump’s going to win and he’s going to win by winning Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. And that got me no free entrances to casinos by the way. It hasn’t done me any good but now they expect me to know what happens next Tuesday and of course, I don’t know, none of us know"
"And I am going to act every minute of today and the rest of the day until I fall asleep after midnight, I am going to be working to make sure he doesn’t win.”
Moore referred to Trump as an "evil genius" for his ability to win elections.
“He’s already done it. He’s already fooled everybody and everybody must act right now as if this could happen again. And if it does happen again, game over,” Moore concluded.