Nevada's taking forever to count the 2020 election votes and the memes are great
By Mustafa GatollariNov. 5 2020, Updated 10:26 a.m. ET
Everyone around the world is waiting with bated breath to see the results of the 2020 United States Presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The whole affair is taking longer than usual due to the inordinate amount of mail-in ballots that have come in as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which isn't without controversy. Pundits from both political parties have pointed to mail-in voting as possible outlets for corruption.
Much was said about Donald Trump's attempts to "kneecap" the postal service during the pandemic as a possible attempt of stopping crucial mail-in ballots that could help Joe Biden win the Presidential election. Depending on which Twitter threads and theories you followed, Trump was trying to impose a "dictatorship" in America by suppressing mail-in voting. You know, because only Democrats vote through the mail.
It was ascertained that for the most part, the decision to not approve overtime hours for some USPS branches and to shut down high speed mail sorting facilities was actually an initiative passed under President Barack Obama's administration, and that the slowdown of the mail was directly attributed to the uptick of mailing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Which brings us to the hot mess that is the 2020 election.
Local governing bodies are being overwhelmed with mail-in and in-person ballots and some aren't able to effectively count every single vote in a timely fashion.
Nevada is experiencing such a problem.
While millions of votes are still being counted across the country, it's becoming clearer and clearer who the probable victors are for each state. There are a few swing states that still hang in the balance.
Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, and Nevada all hang in the balance.
While the former four states will all most probably go to Donald Trump, Nevada's margins are so close that it's become clear whoever wins that state will become the next President of the United States of America.
By current estimates, Joe Biden has a 7,600 vote lead in Nevada.
The margin is so narrow with so many other votes and counties still attempting to suss out their votes, that everyone is waiting on Nevada to count the votes so we can get the election over with already.
If it's confirmed that Biden wins Nevada, he will be the next President.
He already won other closely contested swing states, like Michigan and Wisconsin, the latter Biden only won by a 20,000 vote margin.
The 2020 election is one of the closest in America's history.
George Bush and Al Gore's controversial run in 2000, which many claim there's evidence that heavily suggests Bush's administration at the time straight-up stole the election, was extremely narrow, and it looks like Biden and Trump's contest 20 years later is going to be equally neck-and-neck.
Since everyone is waiting on Nevada, naturally, there's been a lot of memes about it.
Memes that encapsulate the anxiety in waiting to see what the fate of the country's next four years is.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And everyone's volunteering to come in and help Nevada count the votes so we can just hurry up and know the results of this election already for the love of God.
But until that happens, just enjoy these tasty memes.
Deanna Spikula, registrar of Washoe County said that they hope to get all of their ballots in on Thursday, which is when Clark county said they would get all of their tallies in.
But the entirety of the nation is still looking at Nevada and hoping they get these votes counted sooner than later.
But just remember: it ain't over until every single vote is counted.