Kim and Kanye are being roasted for flaunting their extreme wealth during a pandemic
By Robin ZlotnickJuly 1 2020, Updated 7:28 a.m. ET
Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West really chose this moment in time, when millions of people around the U.S. are struggling with unemployment and rent and bills, to boast about how many fancy horses they own and about how Kim is now officially a billionaire.
In two separate "WOW READ THE ROOM!" tweets, both Kim and Kanye decided to flaunt their immense wealth, and it didn't quite go as well as they probably thought it would. First, Kim tweeted a couple of pictures of North's Friesian horse, truly the most expensive-looking horse in the world (and, indeed, one of the most expensive breeds), and bragged that they have 14 of them on the ranch.
That horse has nicer hair than any of us ever will. Almost immediately, people on Twitter started quote-tweeting Kim's tweet and sharing their own experiences which, um, don't quite compare.
Beauty writer Jessica DeFino wrote that she even worked for the Kardashian-Jenner official apps and wasn't paid enough to shop at an actual grocery store. The disconnect is appalling! Comedian Roy Wood, Jr. quoted what we're now calling The Kardashian Horse Tweet and wrote, "One time as a child I went door to door offering to rake leaves to afford 'Super Mario Bros. 2.'"
Yeah. I think that was closer to most people's experiences. I don't know what Kim was hoping to convey or get across with her tweet. She can't possibly have thought that this would resonate with people who weren't extremely wealthy.
Do you know how many face masks you could buy for doctors and nurses with the money used to purchase one Friesian horse, let alone 14? It's a lot of masks.
But Kim is evidently busy hoarding her wealth because not an hour after she posted The Kardashian Horse Tweet, Kanye followed with his own gem, in which he congratulated his wife on officially becoming a billionaire.
I have so many questions about what I've dubbed The Kanye Tomato Tweet, and they all have to do with the vegetables and plant life in that photo. I just... What?
First of all, billionaires should not exist and only become billionaires because they do things like refuse to pay their employees enough to shop at a real grocery store. Second of all, so not the time! If Kim's Horse Tweet was bad, this is, somehow, worse. And pretty much everyone agreed.
So many people are struggling right now. So many people have no idea where their next paycheck is coming from or if they'll be able to pay rent (which is due mere days after both of them sent these tweets!). This is a problem.
Even Piers Morgan, quite a, um, controversial figure, had something to say about this. He quoted Kanye's Tomato Tweet and wrote, sarcastically, "We all share your joy, Kanye — this is EXACTLY the news everyone wanted as the world is being ravaged by a global pandemic and economic disaster."
I think the world is finally in chaos. Piers Morgan said something I agree with. I don't know if this has ever happened before. Look, I've never considered Kim and Kanye bastions to sensitivity to issues of wealth, but the way they both tweeted such ridiculous things within an hour of each other is...remarkable. What a world.