There's a conspiracy theory that the world ended in 2012 and it makes sense
By Mark PygasMay 28 2024, Updated 6:32 p.m. ET
It's been a crazy few years for the world. If you told someone in 2012 that property mogul Donald Trump would soon be President of the United States of America, that the United Kingdom would seemingly shoot itself in the foot over Brexit, or that a pandemic would change the world, they'd probably have a hard time believing it.
Fast forward eleven years, and that's the world we find ourselves in. Unsurprisingly, then, some Internet users have become convinced that we're in some sort of parallel universe. How would we find ourselves in this bizarre universe? Twitter user Nick Hinton is convinced that the world ended in 2012, and his ideas seem to have found some backers.
Back in July, Hinton started a Twitter thread titled "a conspiracy thread: Did the World End in 2012?" It's since gone on to acquire thousands of replies and retweets from fellow social media users who seem to believe in his ideas.
The thread starts: "I’ve wanted to talk about this subject for a while now. The other day I had a random urge to look into it again and read some old stuff. You know, just for ‘fun’. Ever since then, I’ve noticed other people talking about it again."
Hinton started by explaining that he's known of a few people who think similarly to him, but hasn't been able to find any mention of it online.
Hinton believes that the world ended in 2012, when scientists found the Higgs Boson.
Why does he believe this? Because nothing has felt the same since.
Hinton believes that the Higgs Boson destroyed the universe and shifted our consciousness to another universe.
His reasoning? Some people seem to remember things slightly differently from others.
Some people remember the Statue of Liberty being on Ellis Islands, while it's actually on Liberty Island.
Some people also seem to remember climbing the torch of the Statue of Liberty, when it's actually been closed to the public since World War I.
There's even some photos believed to be taken from inside the torch.
It gets even weirder.
There are even users who claim to be scientists from CERN who back up the theory.
These kind of theories have been around for a while.
We could also be on the back of a turtle?
It gets better. The government can't time travel past 2012.
It's even made its way into pop culture.
"The ‘end of history’ is a philosophical idea that has been talked about by such notable figures as Hegel, Marx, and most recently Francis Fukuyama," Hinton writes.
He concludes: "If you think fourth dimensionally, or beyond linear time, we could say that the universe has already ended. The moment it began, the end was set in stone."
We're convinced.
The thread received plenty of replies, and some people seem convinced. "I don’t even know what i don’t know anymore," one user wrote.

Others are less easily convinced, with one user writing:
"I hope people don’t believe this lol time seems to move faster due to the advancement of technology. The amount of information that would take days or even weeks to reach the user back then is now available at our fingertips in seconds."

Another user joked: "Your FBI man just got fired for letting you post this."