YouTuber leaves note with info on car he scratched, was floored by follow-up text
By Mustafa GatollariDec. 20 2024, Updated 1:50 p.m. ET
When faced with pressure or discomfort, people often take the easy way out, even if it's not the right thing to do. Think about how many times you've been cut off by an inconsiderate driver or been at a party where someone has no clue about good manners. It's enough to make you wonder, "Who raised this person?!"
But then again, there are some folks who uphold themselves to a standard of integrity. YouTuber Casey Neistat demonstrated the he's one of those individuals after he accidentally scratched a stranger's car.
While Casey's reported net worth of $16 million might make it easier for him to cover such costs, it was still commendable of him to leave a note on the stranger's car with his contact information so they could arrange for repa
Keep in mind: this occurred recently, as in, you know, during this whole COVID-19 pandemic.
Densely populated areas like New York, Los Angeles, and parts of Northern New Jersey faced severe challenges during the pandemic.
During the pandemic, being confined at home and missing out on usual activities made it easy to criticize local government restrictions.
Casey has been critical of Los Angeles' response to the pandemic. He felt that some measures, like filling skate parks with dirt and sand, were extreme, especially when many homeless people were struggling to find their next meal. Nice priorities.
It’s easy to criticize L.A. culture, with stereotypes suggesting that people from the city are "fake," self-centered, and selfish. Personally, I can't vouch for that stereotype, as my knowledge of California comes from a few trips and multiple viewings of Point Break.
But that may be the reason why Casey was so floored by the response he received from the individual's car he hit.

The owner responded, telling Casey not to worry about paying for the scratch. Instead, he urged Casey to donate the repair money to a local food bank. Many people are still struggling financially, and every bit of charity helps.

Casey was impressed by the individual's generosity, so he immediately donated the $250 he would have spent on repairs and sent a screenshot of the donation receipt.
Casey shared his touching interaction with the car owner on X, and tons of other folks applauded the stranger's actions.
Oddly enough, some people focused on Casey's penmanship, while others tried to undermine his good deed and insult him. Remember what I said about some people's behavior the top of this article?
My favorite part of the exchange was the hang-loose emojis the car owner used at the end of his message. So California! Love it. (Yes, Point Break had surfers, so I’m assuming.)
This article was originally published on April 22, 2020. It has since been updated.