Woman captures bible group 'mob' crashing Airbnb and stealing from the bathroom
By Mustafa GatollariJan. 31 2020, Updated 10:22 a.m. ET
There's been no shortage of Airbnb nightmare experiences, but this latest one that popped up on Twitter is of biblically bad proportions.
Twitter user Mary Numair shared security cam footage and photos on the social media platform of a group of 25 or so members of a "Bible Group" who crashed a three-bedroom home that was rented on Airbnb.
Their behavior is the kind of stuff that would probably get you banned from ever using the service, and make property owners think twice about using the platform to lease out their space.
It all began when a mob of 25 or so people showed up at the house. There were supposed to only be four.
Mary live-tweeted the entire thing and captured the downright childish, and illegal behavior, from the house guests.
Warning: This bizarre story is pretty rage-inducing, so if you can't stand the sight of people acting like entitled weirdos, then this might not be the one for you.
This image that Mary uploaded shows about "half" of the people who attempted to stay on the property.
Ben Newman, Mary's boyfriend, saw on his Nest camera that the group was way larger than the one he had agreed to accommodate in the home. Ben decided to ring the individual who booked the home and it turns out that the group was just there for a "quick Bible study," and that they would be leaving shortly.
"So he calls the guy and is like ‘Hey man, not to be rude but that looks like a lot more than four. My house can’t accommodate large events.’ The guy is like “OHh gosh, I’m so sorry. We’re doing a quick Bible study and then they’re leaving."
As Mary tells the story, Ben "begrudgingly" allowed the guests to stay, but, after monitoring his CCTV camera, saw that even more people started showing up at the property. Ben, having already given a courtesy call to the person who booked the space, decided to call Airbnb and let them know of the situation.
"Finally he calls Airbnb and they’re like “Are you sure you can’t accommodate them?” Literal dozens of people on a small rural septic system, nah."
The 2014 "Company of the Year" contacted the booker and let them know that they couldn't have six times the amount of people in the space, but the customer came back and said that there was a "verbal agreement" in place that 25 people could be allowed to stay on the premises. There wasn't.
Mary continued, "So! Airbnb calls back the guy, calls my boyfriend back and says ‘The guy says you had a verbal agreement to let 25 or so people stay.’ What the f--k. It’s a three-bedroom house. No. F--k no."
Airbnb then called the guest and told him that he and his party would need to leave. It didn't end there, however.

The house guests didn't feel like they were obligated to leave the property, so they stayed. The "head" of the group went outside and put his pillow in the car and then went back in the house like nothing was wrong.
Mary couldn't believe the inconsideration the group displayed. "Oh also, the guy said ‘We’re just a large Christian Bible study group. What does it matter if it’s more than four?’ Like what the f--k does loving Jesus mean, you get away with this s--t."
Their reluctance to leave forced Mary and Ben to show up on the property to make sure the group had left, as they had been instructed to by them and Airbnb.
When they arrived, no one had left, nor did they seem in a hurry to do so. To add insult to injury, they stole all of the toiletries out of the bathroom.
Airbnb then messaged the home owners, by that time, it was 11:22pm, "I know the guests really violated the rules for having additional guests on the listing but I’m sure it’s not that easy for the guest to leave the listing. I would like to ask what are the possible options we can give to guest as a courtesy … it’s late at night, 11.22pm."
Mary tweeted that the guests clearly didn't expect her and her boyfriend would show up.
"Oh by the way, they had a few people sneak out the back but there’s a lot of people still here. He wasn’t aware that we were coming so that’s why he lied about that."
It wasn't until after they left that Mary and Ben learned they had stolen all of the toiletries from the bathroom.
After the entire insane ordeal was over with, Mary said that at least Airbnb made things right.
She responded to a Twitter user who asked if she felt the company "backed her up" as a host, "Yeah. Especially once we made it clear that we had video proof they were wilfully breaking a major house rule and repeatedly lying about it."
The company also refunded Ben the $75 for the stolen bathroom supplies, as well as the $621 for the booking fee that they lost on account of their house guests, all 25 of them, leaving early.
At the very least, Mary had a sense of humor about the whole thing.

What a nightmare.